THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK editors BRIAN CHRISTIAN TOM MARKSON RICH SKRENTA with special thanks to... STEPHEN POPKIN Cover design by BOB TRUEL. REVISION 1 DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITIES The editors make no guarantee, either expressed or implied, with respect to this manual, its quality, performance, or merchantability for any particular purpose. The entire risk as to its quality and performance is with the buyer. Should the information prove erroneous, the buyer assumes the entire cost (and liabilities) of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction, and any incidental or consequencial damages. In no event will the editors be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use of this book, or any errors in it, even if the editors have been forewarned of the possibility of such errors. (C) Copyright 1982 by Smiling Elk Publications The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Digital DEC PDP DIBOL DECtape FOCAL DECUS RT-11 The Smiling Elk, Elksystems, Elkware, Elklabs, Smiling Elk Software, and Smiling Elk Publications are all trademarks of the Smiling Elk company. WARNING! The information in this book is of a highly technical nature. If you are not completely sure of all the results of an operation, please refer to the system manuals. This book is only a reference, and may not supply all the information on a given topic. The editors can assume no responsibility for any damages that may occur from the use of this manual. The sole responsibility lies with the user. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 External Hardware 1.1 Main Unit 1.1.1 Power Switch 1.1.2 DC On/Off 1.1.3 Enable Halt 1.1.4 LTC On/Off 1.2 Disk Drives 1.2.1 Drive Doors 1.2.2 Diskettes 1.3 Terminals 1.3.1 VT-52 Manipulative Codes Baud Rate Printer 1.3.2 LA-36 2.0 The RT-11 Monitor 2.1 Booting the Monitor 2.2 A Description of the Booting Process 2.2.1 STARTS.COM 2.3 Monitor Commands 2.3.1 Assign 2.3.2 B (Base) 2.3.3 Boot 2.3.4 Close 2.3.5 Compile 2.3.6 Copy /Boot /Device /Ascii, /Binary, /Image /Concatenate /Exclude /Ignore /{No} Log /{No} Replace /System 2.3.7 D (Deposit) 2.3.8 Date 2.3.9 Deassign 2.3.10 Delete /Exclude /{No} Query /System 2.3.11 Directory /Alphabetize /Badblocks /Begin /Blocks /Brief or /Fast THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK /Columns:n /Deleted /Files /Free /Octal /Output /Summary /Volumeid 2.3.12 Examine 2.3.13 Edit /Create /Inspect /Output 2.3.14 Execute 2.3.15 Fortran /List /{No} Object /Code EAE EIS FIS THR /Diagnose /Extend /Header /{No} Linenumbers /Record /Show:n n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 n=7 /Statistics /Swap /Noswap /Units /Warnings 2.3.16 Get 2.3.17 Help 2.3.18 Initialize /Badblocks /Interchange /{No} Query /Segments /Volumeid 2.3.19 Install 2.3.20 Link /Bottom /Execute /Noexecute /Extend:n /LDA THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK /Map /Transfer:n 2.3.21 Load 2.3.22 Print 2.3.23 R 2.3.24 Reenter 2.3.25 Remove 2.3.26 Rename /{No} Log /Newfiles /{No} Replace /Setdate /System 2.3.27 Reset 2.3.28 Run 2.3.29 Save 2.3.30 Set TT:condition Hold Nohold Quiet Noquiet Scope Noscope Edit Edit TECO Error Error None Severe Warnings USR Swap Noswap Wildcards Explicit Implicit 2.3.31 Show Meaning of Messages 2.3.32 Squeeze /Output /Query /Noquery 2.3.33 Start 2.3.34 Time 2.3.35 Type /Copies /Delete /Log /Newfiles /Query 2.3.36 Unload THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK 2.4 Utility Programs 2.4.1 Edit Commands 2.4.2 PIP Commands 2.4.3 DUP Commands 2.4.4 DIR Commands 3.0 MUBASIC 3.1 Bringing up MUBASIC 3.2 A Description of MUBASIC Initialization 3.2.1 Normal System 3.2.2 Password System PASWRD.B00 Privileged/Unprivileged Status Userid 3.3 File Types 3.3.1 Public 3.3.2 Group 3.3.3 Private 3.4 System Calls 4.0 RMON 4.1 Entering RMON 4.2 RMON Commands 4.2.1 P 4.2.2 G 4.2.3 L 5.0 Appendices 5.1 Appendix A: MUBASIC Error Messages 5.2 Appendix B: Monitor Memory Locations 5.3 Appendix C: File Extention Meanings 5.4 Appendix D: Legal Filenames and Devices 5.5 Appendix E: Configuring a MUBASIC Configuration File 6.0 Glossary of Terms THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK 1.0 EXTERNAL HARDWARE The PDP-11 System consists of a central processing unit (CPU), one or more terminals, and various other devices, such as disk units used for storage of information. 1.1 MAIN UNIT The main unit is the enclosure housing the CPU and the disk drives. It is also possible to place other units in the main unit, but most are stored in external housings of their own. 1.1.1 POWER SWITCH The power switch is located on the rear panel of the main unit. It controls all power into the computer. 1.1.2 DC ON/OFF This switch is one of the three on the front panel and is labeled DC ON/OFF. It does approximately the same thing as the main power switch, but does not prevent current from coming into the power supply. 1.1.3 ENABLE/HALT The ENABLE/HALT switch is located on the front panel, and is appropriately labeled. When toggled, this switch will initiate a break. (See section 4.1) 1.1.4 LTC ON/OFF This switch is one of the three on the front panel. It controls the internal clock of the computer. When off, the computer will no longer keep time. In addition, when this switch is off, terminals in MUBASIC will shut down, one by one, after a short period of time, usually five minutes. 1.2 DISK DRIVES The disk drives are two single density 8 inch drives of the type RX01. They are located in the main unit. 1.2.1 DRIVE DOORS The doors of the disk units may be opened by pulling gently upward while squeezing the switch on the drive door. 1.2.2 DISKETTES Diskettes are circular disks of magnetic material enclosed in a plastic jacket. Since the method used to record is magnetic, bringing diskettes in close proximity to power supplies or magnets may garble the information. 1.3 TERMINALS The terminal is what you communicate to the computer with. Characters typed are sent to the computer. It may send characters back to be printed. 1.3.1 VT-52 The VT-52 is a general purpose video terminal. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK MANIPULATION CODES Special codes can be used to alter the output of the video terminal. These codes are: + FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------- = Alternate keypad mode > Exit alternate keypad mode A Move cursor up one line B Move cursor down one line C Move cursor left one space D Move cursor right one space F Enter graphics mode G Exit graphics mode H Home cursor I Reverse scroll J Erase screen from cursor to bottom K Erase screen from cursor to end of line Z Ident terminal type [ Enter hold screen mode ] "Copy" screen to printer \ Exit hold screen mode ---------------------------------------------------- SCROLL Scrolls one line in hold screen mode sft-SCROLL Allows scrolling of one screen BAUD RATE The baud rate of the VT-52 may be adjusted anywhere from 110 to 4800 baud. The baud rate may be set by 2 potentiometers on the underside of the terminal housing. The correact settings can be found written next to the potentiometers. PRINTER The VT-52 also has a printer for hard-copy output. The printer uses thermal type paper. The contents of the screen may be printed by pressing the COPY button. 1.3.2 LA-36 The LA-36 is a hard copy terminal whose line length may be set from 1-255 characters per line. The LA-36 normally operates in full duplex at 300 bps. The terminal may be toggled into half duplex by pressing the FDX.HDX key. Pressing the line loc (line local) button lets the terminal operate like a typewriter. The baud rate may be changed by pressing the appropriate keys. Located on the black panel on the front of the terminal are 2 circuit breakers. On the inside of the terminal are a series of clip connectors. One of these clips is normally disconnected. If this clip is connected, the terminal will halt when there is no paper. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK 2.0 RT-11 MONITOR (KMON) The RT-11 Monitor is a single job general purpose monitor which fascilitates manipulation of system I/O devices. In addition, it allows the user to alter memory locations directly. 2.1 BOOTING THE RT-11 MONITOR After the power is turned on (See section 1.1.1) you will see a "$" prompt. The computer is promting you for a device name to read the startup files from. You can enter either DX, DX0, OR DX1. If the device you have selected does not contain the proper files, you will get the " BOOT-W-NO BOOT ON VOLUME" error message. Otherwise the computer will boot up the monitor. (See section 2.2) 2.2 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BOOTING PROCESS When booted, the system will run the following files: DXMNSJ.SYS -Contains the bootstrap SWAP.SYS -Contains the RT-11 Monitor STARTS.COM -Commands used on startup. 2.2.1 STARTS.COM At the present time, this file contains these commands which are used on start up: D 56=5015 -Sets fill characters SET TT:NOSCOPE -Uses backslash when deslecting D 56=0 -Sets no fill characters R TIMDAT -Runs time/date program 2.3 MONITOR COMMANDS The KMON (RT-11) Monitor will always prompt you with a period "." when it is waiting for you to enter a command. When specifying files in the monitor, the wildcard character (*) may be used to represent any number of characters. For example, *.SYS would match all of the files that ended in .SYS D*J.* would match all of the files that started with "D" and had a "J" in them. In addition, some commands may be abbreviated. However, it is usually safer to type the full command out, as an abbriviated form may be a different command in itself. In the following sections, only the necessary portions of the commands will be capitalized. 2.3.1 ASSign Allows user to create synonym names for actual devices. Example: .ASSIGN DX1: ABC: This will make ABC: the same as DX1: 2.3.2 B (BASE) Adds octal offset to any addresses calculated. (See sections 2.3.7 and 2.3.12) THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK 2.3.3 BOot Boots from specified device or file. Example: .BOOT DX1: .BOOT DX1:DXMNSJ.SYS 2.3.4 CLose Closes all files. 2.3.5 COMpile / Compiles specified files. See manuals for details. 2.3.6 COPy This command allows copying from one media to another in various formats. /BOot Allows copying of system bootstrap from monitor file (DXMNSJ.SYS) to blocks 0-5 of same disk. (So that the disk may be booted) /DEvice Copies block for block an entire disk. Example: .COPY/DEVICE DX0: DX1: /AScii, /BINary, /IMage These options allow copying files in different modes. Example: .COPY/BINARY DX1:*.OBJ DX0: /CONCatenate Allows merging of several files into one. Example: .COPY/CONCAT DX1:*.FOR DX0:MERGE.FOR (Merges all .FOR files on DX1: into MERGE.FOR on DX0:) /EXclude Allows copying of all files except those specifed. Example: .COPY/EXCLUDE DX0:*.B00 DX1:*.* (Copies everything but .B00 files from DX0: to DX1:) /IGnore Ignores errors during during copying. /{NO} Log. Prints log of all operations performed or not. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK /{NO} REplace Will {not} copy files that exist on the output device only. /SYStem Enables copying of .SYS files. Example: .COPY/SYS DX0:*.SYS DX1:*.SYS 2.3.7 D (DEPOSIT) = Equivilent to poke in BASIC. Sets octal memory address to octal offset. Example: .D 56=5015 2.3.8 DAte Sets date. If no argument, will print date. 2.3.9 DEAssign Frees a logical device and removes it from the device table. 2.3.10 DELete / Terminates the existence of files from the specified device. /EXclude Excludes specified files from deletion. /{NO} QUery {Doesn't} prompt the user for verification before deletion. /SYStem Allows deletion of .SYS files from specified device. 2.3.11 DIrectory / Displays filenames on specified device. /ALPhabetize Alphabetizes filenames on specified device. /BADblocks Searches for defective blocks on the specified device. /BEGin Starts printing directory at specified filename. Example: .DIR PRGRM.BAS/BEGIN /BLocks Displays starting block number of files on specified device. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK /BRief or /FAst Prints only the filenames on the specified device. /COLumns:n Prints directory in n columns. /DELeted Prints only deleted files. /FIles Prints names of files placed upon bad blocks. (Use with /BADBLOCKS, section /FRee Displays empty blocks on specified device. /FUll Displays files and empty blocks on specified device. /OCtal Displays block length and starting position of files in octal. /OUTput: Sends directory to specified file. Example: .DIR/OUTPUT:TT: .DIR/OUTPUT:DIR.TXT/FAST/ALPHA /SUMmary Displays how many files are in each segment of the disk. /VOLumeid Displays Volume-Id and owner of disk. (See section 2.3.18) 2.3.12 E (EXAMINE) Equivilent to PEEK in BASIC. (Address in octal) 2.3.13 EDit / The edit command is used to create or edit a file on the specified device. Usually, when edit is typed, the system editor will be run (EDIT.SAV). However, if the editor has been changed with the set command (see section,the editor set will be the one run. /CREate Will create a new file on the specified device and clear the text buffer. /INSpect Opens an existing file as read-only. Will not create an output file. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK /OUTput: Will use an alternate file for output. 2.3.14 EXEcute Compiles, links and runs the specified file. (See sections 2.3.5, 2.3.20 and 2.3.28) 2.3.15 FORtran / Used for FORTRAN programming. /LINk: Lists file and diagnostics to . /{NO} OBJect Will {not} create an object file. /COde:type EAE Creates EAE object code. EIS Creates EIS object code. FIS Creates FIS object code. THR Creates THR object code. /DIAGnose Enables error diagnostics. /EXTend Enables extended column source code. /HEADer Displays options in effect. /{NO} LINEnumbers {May} surpress output of compiler line numbers. /RECord:length Overrides record length of 132 for ASCII sequential I/O. /SHow:n n=0 Lists only diagnostics. n=1 Lists source map and diagnostics. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK n=2 Lists storage map and dignostics. n=3 Lists diagnostics, source program, and storage map. n=4 Lists generated code and diagnostics. n=7 Lists diagnostics, source program, storage map and codes. /STATistics Prints out memory, time elapsed and length of the symbol table. /SWAP Allows swapping of the USR. /NOSWAP Disables swapping of the USR. /UNITS:n Sets the number of logical units that may be opened. /WARNINGS Prints out warning messages. 2.3.16 GEt Loads the specified file from the disk into memory. 2.3.17 Help Displays helpful information on the topic specified. Note: The file HELP.SAV must be on the disk for this command to function. 2.3.18 INItialize / Erases the specified device and formats it for use. /BAdblocks Scans the specified device for bad blocks and patches them with the file "FILE.BAD". /INterchange Erases the disk in standard ANSI interchange mode. /{NO} Query Does {not} prompt a user for verification. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK /Segments:n Allows the user to specify the number of segments on the disk. /Volumeid Will prompt the user for a volumeid and owner name. Example: .INITIALIZE/VOLUMEID DX1: 2.3.19 INStall Allows user to install a new device in the computer. The handler for that device must be on the disk. (DEVICE.SAV) 2.3.20 LINk. Link allows a user to create relocateable code with an absolute starting address. /BOTtom Sets absolute bottom address used by load module. /EXEcute Specifies output file for the machine code. /NOEXEcute Surpresses creation of output file. /EXTend:n Allows user to extend his program by octal number n. /LDa Puts files into .LDA format for loading into a binary loader. /MAP Produces a link loading map to . /Transfer:n Specifies transfer address of the program. 2.3.21 LOad Loads the specified device handler from the disk. 2.3.22 Print/ Prints the specified file to the line printer. 2.3.23 R Runs the specified program from device SY: 2.3.24 REEnter Allows the user to re-enter the previously run program without reloading or erasing memory. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK 2.3.25 REMove Removes the specified device from the device handler table. 2.3.26 REName/ Renames to on one disk. You may not rename from one disk to another. {NO} Log Do, don't print file renaming progress. /NEwfiles Renames only files with a current date. /{NO} REPlace Will, will not rename files whose filenames already exist. /SEtdate This option puts the current date on all files that have been renamed. /SYstem This option allows renaming of .SYS files. 2.3.27 RESet The reset command erases the current program in memory and closes all files. 2.3.28 RUn The run command runs a specified file from the default device. 2.3.29 SAve The save command allows portions of memory to be saved to disk. 2.3.30 SEt The set command allows the user to modify device characteristics. TT:condition HOLD Puts VT-52 into special hold screen mode. NOHOLD Takes VT-52 out of hold screen mode. QUIET Prevents system from echoing characters from indirect files. NOQUIET Echoes characters from indirect files. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK SCOPE Uses [backspace-space-backspace] as the the delete character. NOSCOPE Echoes backslash and the character deleted when delete is pressed. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK EDIT:condition EDIT Uses EDIT.SAV as the system editor. TECO Uses TECO editor as the system editor. ERROR:condition ERROR Causes indirect files to abort if error occurs. NONE Ignores all errors which occur during execution of indirect files. SEVERE Ignores all but the most severe errors which occur during the execution of indirect files. WARNINGS Will abort indirect files if warnings of errors occur during the execution of indirect files. WILDCARD:condition Allows RT-11 to interpret missing file specs as wildcards. EXPLICIT Sets RT-11 to accept file types "as is" without insertion of wildcards. IMPLICIT Will set RT-11 to add wildcards to incomplete file names. 2.3.31 SHow Will show logical devices connected to each physical device. MEANING OF MESSAGES (Loaded) :Device has been loaded into memory with the LOAD command. (See section 2.3.21) (Resident) :Indicates that the device is resident in the computer and cannot be removed. 2.3.32 SQUeeze / Compresses files on the disk and removes spaces. /OUTput: Squeezes information from one device to another. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK /QUEry Will prompt user before squeezing files. /NOQUery Will not prompt user before files are squeezed. 2.3.33 STart {OPTIONAL OCTAL ADDRESS} If an address is given, the processor will jump to that address. If none is given, the starting address of the most recently loaded file will be used. 2.3.34 TIMe Sets time (if argument present). Will print time if there is no argument. 2.3.35 TYpe Displays the specified file on the console. /COPies:n Prints n copies of the specified file. /DELete Prints file, thens deletes it. /Log Displays filenames being typed to the console. /NEWfiles Only types files created on the current date. /QUEry Prompts user for verification before typing. 2.3.36 UNload Removes a device handler from the device table. 2.4 UTILITY PROGRAM Device utilities are programs that help with the manipulation of system I/O devices. To start a utility, type R space . The command string interpreter prompt (*) will appear. The utility is waiting for you to type in a command. The commands are different for each utility. However, the basic format is: =/ 2.4.1 EDIT Edit is a general purpose line editor which can be used to correct or create files. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK COMMANDS CMD+ MEANING ---------------------------------------------------- nA Advances n number of lines B Sets pointer to top of file nJ Jumps n letters to the right nF Finds the nth occurance of nG Search the text buffer for P Same function as F nL Lists n number of lines /L Lists all of the text buffer V Types the current line (Verify) nC Changes n characters to nD Delete n characters nX Exchanges n lines I Insert characters (lines) nK Kills n lines EC Set edit to console ED Sets edit to display EL Sets lowercase EU Sets uppercase EV Prints version of edit EX Save program and goes to monitor EW Writes program to disk ER Reads filespec in from disk R Reads in next text page EB Loads file and creates backup file 2.4.2 PIP (Periphial Interchange Program) PIP is a general purpose copy utility which fascilitates copying in several different formats. COMMANDS OPTION EXPLANATION ---------------------------------------------------- /A Copies in ASCII mode. Treats ctrl-Z as end of file. /B Copies file in binary mode. /C Preforms operation only on files with the current date. /D Delete files from device. /G Ignore any errors during copying. /K:n Makes n copies of files. /N Do not copy or rename if file is on the output device. /O Deletes current file on output device if output file has same name. /P Excludes files from operations. /Q Queries for verification. /R Renames files. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK /S Copies files one block at a time. /T Puts current dates on all specified file. /U Copies and merges all files specified. /W Prints log of all operations preformed. /Y Includes .SYS files. 2.4.3 DUP (Device Utility Program) DUP is a general purpose disk maintenance program. COMMANDS OPTION EXPLANATION ---------------------------------------------------- /B Writes .BAD file over any bad blocks. /C:m(:n) Creates file on specified device as: m= starting block (octal) n= start of file /F Prints file containing bad blocks. Use with /K. /H Reads to bad block, writes to bad block, then reads bad block again. Use with /K. /I:r:s:w Copies image of disk. r,s,w represent block numbers. /K:b:e Scans device for bad blocks for bad block and prints octal block number of bad blocks. b,e represent start & end. /N:a Use with /Z to set number of directory segments. /O Boots specified device. /S Squeezes disk /T:n Extends file by n blocks /U Copies boot to disk /V:vol Print userid and owner name. Use with /Z /X Inhibits booting of system device when squeezed. Use with /S /Y Inhibits verification query /Z Initializes directory of device specified. 2.4.4 DIR (Directory) The DIR program allows printing of the system directories in any number of formats. COMMANDS OPTION EXPLANATION ---------------------------------------------------- /A Alphabetizes directory /B Lists filenames, creation date, starting block, and length in decimal. /C:n Prints directory in n columns. /D:date Prints files with specified date. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK /E Lists entire directory including empty spaces on the disk. /F Prints directory in 5 columns. Prints only filenames. /G Starts printing directory after specified file. /J:date Prints files created on or after a specified date. /K:date Prints files created before a date. /L Prints full directory. /M Lists unused areas of the disk. /N Lists a summary of the disk /O Lists block numbers and sizes in octal /P Exclude specified files /Q Prints deleted files /S:xxx Sorts directory in specified format. (xxx can be NAM,POS,SIZ or TYP) 3.0 MUBASIC (V1.0) MUBASIC (multiple user basic) is the basic currently used on the PDP-11. 3.1 BRINGING UP MUBASIC To start MUBASIC, you must be in the KMON (RT-11) monitor and have the period "." prompt. Type: R MUBAS (See section 2.3.23) The message "CONFIGURATION FILE: OLD, NEW OR NONE" will be displayed. Type "O" for an old configuration file. (NOTE: See Appendix E for creating an old configuration file) The computer will print "CONFIGURATION FILENAME>" or something similar. It is waiting for you to type in the name of a configuration file. The configuration files currently available are: 1USER -One terminal will operate 2USER -Two terminals will operate 2USERS -Two terminals with USR on disk. 3USER -Three terminals will operate. 3USERS -Three terminals with operate with USR on disk. 4USER -Four terminals will operate. 4USERS -Four terminals with USR on disk. (Version 1 will support only 4 terminals) The usual configuration file is 4USER. Type the name of the configuration file you wish to use. The system will then start up. (See section 3.2) 3.2 A DESCRIPTION OF MUBASIC INITIALIZATION After MUBASIC is initialized, it will run INIT.B00, which may do one of two things, depending on whether a password system is used or not. When the user types BYE, MUBASIC will run BYE.B00. The contents of these files determine whether the system uses passwords or not. Note: All sections under 3.2.2 are subject to change. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK 3.2.1 NORMAL SYSTEM In a system that does not use passwords, INIT.B00 and BYE.B00 contain the following: 10 A = SYS(7)+SYS(5) The effect of this is the "NEW" command. Since the system automatically switches to privileged status when the system is booted or "BYE" is typed, this leaves everyone as a privileged user in MUBASIC. Typing "BYE" would erase the program in memory. 3.2.2 PASSWORD SYSTEM In a system that uses passwords, INIT.B00 contains: 10 PRINT "MU-BASIC RT-11 IS ON THE AIR!" 20 CHAIN "HELLO.B00" What this does is to run HELLO.B00. HELLO asks you to say hello, enter your userid, and then your password. It takes this information and starts scanning through PASWRD.B00. If it doesn't find a match, you will be told and the program will restart. If it does, it checks to see if the password is unprivileged. If it is, it issues an: A=SYS(-2) which makes the terminal unprivileged. (See It then prints NOTICE.B00 on the terminal and erases itself, leaving you in BASIC. PASWRD.B00 At the present time, PASWRD.B00 contains the userid/ password pairs in use. It also has a flag telling whether each pair is privileged or unprivileged. The format of the file is designed so that it can be loaded like a BASIC program, edited, and saved. This is the format of the file: <" or '> ,, A double quote signifies a privileged password, a single quote representing an unprivileged one. Here is an example of a short password file: 10 'AS,USER, 20 "00,PRIV, 30 'Y1,ABCD, In this example, "USER" and "ABCD" are unprivileged, while "PRIV" is privileged. PRIVILEGED/UNPRIVILEGED STATUS In MUBASIC, if a terminal has privileged status, it can examine any filename with any extension. If an "A=SYS(-2)" is issued, however, the terminal becomes unprivileged. If a terminal is unprivileged, it can only addess files whose last two characters in the extension match the userid. (See section If an attempt is made to access a file whose rightmost 2 digits do not match the userid, an "FPV" error will be printed. (See section 5.1) In addition, certain system calls will not work if the terminal is unprivileged. (See section 3.4) THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK THE USERID The userid in a password system is a 2 character value used to match the last 2 letters in an extension. The current userid may be examined or altered with the SYS(-1,X) command. For example, A=SYS(-1,-1) PRINT CHR$(A);CHR$(A/256) will print the userid. (See section 3.4) (This command may not be invoked if the terminal is unprivileged). If the userid is "W8", the command OLD TEST will try to load DX0:TEST.BW8 3.3 FILE TYPES Several file types are available for different uses in MUBASIC. These can be used for a number of different purposes. Note that some may function as described only if a password system is in effect. 3.3.1 PUBLIC MUBASIC files that are public are saved as NAME.B and have no userid in the extension. These files may be accessed by anyone, regardless of the terminal privilege status. This file type is obtained by preceeding the filename with a dollar sign ($). Only a privileged user may create a public file. 3.3.2 GROUP Group files are files which are saved as NAME.Bx, where x is the first letter of the userid. These files may be accessed by preceding the name with a number sign (#) and can only be used by those users which have the same first letter in their userid. Only a privileged user may create a group file. 3.3.3 PRIVATE Private files contain .B plus the full userid in the extension. They may not be examined by other non-privileged users. 3.4 SYSTEM CALLS System calls are BASIC commands that take the form of: =SYS(ARG1<,ARG2>) Some system functions will not work if the terminal is unprivileged. Here is a list of all the system commands: PRIV SYS CALL FUNCTION ------------------------------------------------------------ SYS(0) Resets ctrl-O SYS(2) Reenables keyboard echo SYS(3) Disables keyboard echo SYS(4) Reads one character from the keyboard SYS(4,1) Reads one character from file #1 THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK SYS(5) Erases program in memory SYS(6,len) Sets terminal length to len SYS(7) Re-enable ctrl-C * SYS(8) Disable ctrl-C ====== SYS(-4) Returns privilege status * SYS(-3) Returns to RT-11 monitor SYS(-2) Make a privileged user non-privileged SYS(-1,-1) Returns userid * SYS(-1,A) Makes userid = A Example: A=SYS(-1,ASC("9")*256+ASC("W") Would make the userid "W9". 4.0 RMON RMON is the resident monitor of the PDP-11 computer. Little about it is known, as we could find no documentation covering it. However, a few things have been discovered, which may or may not be of use to you. 4.1 ENTERING RMON When the BREAK key is depressed, the computer will go into RMON. It is characterized by the "@" prompt. Only the console will operate while in RMON. 4.2 RMON COMMANDS RMON has a set of commands that can be used to alter information in the computer. Remember that all commands must be shifted to operate. 4.2.1 P The P (precede) command will attempt to continue at the break address. If possible, the computer will continue as if BREAK had never been pressed. 4.2.2 {ADDRESS} G The G (go) command starts the processor at the address specified by the user. Example: 173000G would start the processor at address 173000. A useful application of this is when BREAK is accidently pressed, and shift-P will not work. Often a number is printed on the console. This is the error address. Sometimes typing this number, followed by the G command will restart the program you were running. This can avert many problems with having to reboot the system. 4.2.3 L The L (lock) command will completely prevent anyone from doing anything else on the computer. 5.0 APPENDICES Please consult the system manuals for more detailed information. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK 5.1 APPENDIX A: MUBASIC ERROR MESSAGES SHORT LONG ----------------------------------------------------------------- ARG Argument error ATL Array too large BDR Bad data read BLG Bad log BRT Bad data- retype from error BSO Buffer storage overflow CAO Channel already open CCP Checksum error in compile program CDF Cannot delete file CIE Channel I/O error CNO Channel not open COO Common out of order DHE Device hardware error DNE Device not entered (disk not in drive, drive open) DRO Directory overflow (Squeeze disk) CVO Control variable out of range DVO Division by zero ECC Error closing channel EER Exponentation error EII Excess input ignored ENL End not last ETC Expression too complex FAD Function already defined FAE File already exists FNF File not found FOV Floating overflow FPV File privilege violation FSV Nested FOR statements with same control variable FUN Floating underflow FWN For without next ICN Illegal channel number IDF Illegal DEF IDM Illegal DIM IDT Illegal data type IEF Illegal end of file in compile program IFL Illegal file length IFS Illegal file specification IID Illegal I/O direction IIM Illegal in immediate mode INS Inconsistent number of subscripts IOV Integer overflow IRS Illegal record size ISE Input string error ISL Illegal string length LTL Line too long MSP Missing subprogram NER Not enough room (Squeeze disk) NGS Negative square root NSM Numbers and strings mixed THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK NVD Not a valid device NWF Next without for OOD Out of data PRU Print using error PTB Program too big RES Resequence argument error RPL Use replace RWG Return without gosub SOB Subscript out of bounds SSO String storage overflow STL String too long SUB Substitute error SYN Syntax error TIC Too many items in common TLT Line too long to translate TMG Too many gosub's UAC Undimensioned array in call UFN Undefined function ULN Undefined line number VCU Virtual array channel already in use 5.2 APPENDIX B: MONITOR MEMORY LOCATIONS 0,2 Monitor restart 4,6 Time out or bus error trap; RT-11 sets this to point to its internal trap handler 10,12 Reserved instruction trap 30,32 EMT trap vector 34,36 Trap instruction vector 40,51 RT-11 system communication area (loaded by R, RUN, GET) 52,57 System communication area 60,62 Console terminal input interrupt vector 64,66 Console terminal output interrupt vector 220,222 RK11/RK01/RK05 disk vector 330,332 VT-11 shift out interrupt vector System Communication Area 40-51 40,41 Start address of program 42,43 Stack pointer 44,45 Job status word BIT# MEANING ---------------------------------------------------- 15 USR swap bit 14 Lowercase bit 13 Reenter bit 12 Special mode TT bit 11 Pass line to KMON bit store. 10 Null 9 Overlay bit (set by link) 8 Chain bit. If set, words 500-776 are loaded from disk. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK 7 Error halt bit (halts on I/O error if set 6 Null 5 Filter escape sequences. Ignored if bit 4 is set. 4 Process escape sequence 3 Reserved for system use 2-0 Reserved for internal use 46,47 USR load address 50,51 High memory address 52 EMT error code. Error code stored here. 53 User program error code BITS MEANING ---------------------------------------------------- 7-4 Reserved 3 Severe error 2 Error 1 Warning 0 Success 54,55 Address of resident monitor 56 Fill character (7 bits) 57 Fill count # of fill characters 5.3 APPENDIX C: FILE EXTENSION MEANINGS EXTENSION MEANING ------------------------------------------------------------ .BAK Backup file .BAS Basic source file .COM Command file .DAT Data file .DIR Directory file .FOR Fortran .HLP Help file .LOG Link-bat log file .LST Listing created by FORTRAN .MAC Macro file .OBJ Relocatable object file .SAV Machine language file .TXT Text file .MAP Link map file .CRF Cross reference file .LDA Binary .D00 System configuration (MUBAS) .B00 System program (MUBAS) .DBL DIBOL .FOC FOCAL .APL APL file THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK 5.4 APPENDIX D: LEGAL FILENAMES AND DEVICES DEVICE NAMES ------------------------------------------------------------ CR: Card reader DTx: Dectape DX: RX01 Disk DP: Disk pack LP: Line printer MT: Magnetic tape DK: Default user drive SY: Default system drive TT: Teletype 5.5 APPENDIX E: CONFIGURING A MUBASIC CONFIGURATION FILE To configure a new MUBASIC configuration file, you must answer answer a series of questions. 1:KEEP USR RESIDENT If you wish the oprating system to be left on the disk, enter "N". Otherwise enter "Y". 2:ENTER AVAILABLE DEVICES: Enter DX0 and a "P", if you wish the device to be public, a comma, DX1 and then a "P" if you wish that device to be public. Press return twice. 3:SYSTEM BUFFERS SPECIFICATION (NUMBER, SIZE(WORDS)) This question relates to file buffer size of the system. The usual answer is "1,256". Hit return twice. 4:SYSTEM I/O AREA SIZE (WORDS) Sets the amount of memory used for system I/O. The normal response is 2. 5:NUMBER OF USER CHANNELS Sets number of BASIC channels which can be used by the user. Usually 20. 6:NUMBER OF SYSTEM CHANNELS The computer is asking how many terminals or printers are hooked up. Since we have 4 terminals and no printer, answer "4". 7:MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CHANNELS FOR NONPRIVILEGED USER The computer wants to know how many files the non privileged user may have open at once. Answer "4". 8:MAXIMIMUM NUMBER OF BLOCKS IN OPEN FOR UNPRIVILEGED USER This asks how large the largest file for the unprivileged user may be. Answer 25. THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK 9:DEFAULT NUMBER OF BLOCKS FOR OPEN When a null file is created, specifies the number of blocks that will be allocated. Answer "0". 10:OPT FNS (NONE, ALL OR INDIVIDUAL) This question is asking you, of the BASIC functions, which ones you wish to use. If you type "A", all functions will exist, if you type "N" there will be no functions, and if you type "I", the computer will print each function name. To keep it, type "Y". To remove it, type "N". 11:HOW MANY USERS The system will support 4 users, but you may select from one to four. (1-4) 12:CORE #1 Just type return. 13:TERM#x The computer will prompt you for the terminal number of each terminal you can use. The terminal numbers are: LA-36 CONSOLE ,177560,60 LA-36 MIDDLE ,175610,300 LA-36 END ,175620,310 VT-52 ,175630,320 THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK 6.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ACK Acknowlegement character. Char 6 (octal) ADDRESS A number indicating the position of a byte in memory 32 bit address range. ALPHANUMERIC The set of all the letters and numbers ANSI Americal National Standards Institute ASCII American Standard for Information Interchange BASIC Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instructional Code. (A somewhat high level language) BAUD RATE The number of bits transmitted per second. BINARY A number in base 2 represented by 1's and 0's. BLOCK A physical unit of information on a logical record. Block size is usually expressed in bytes. BIT Single digit of a binary number. Either 1 or 0. BOOT To use a bootstrap. Generally used to describe starting up a computer. BOOTSTRAP A program used when starting the computer, which usually clears memory, sets up I/O devices, and loads the operating system. BYTE 8 binary bits. CLOSE An operation performed on a file, which disassociates it from a particular program. COMPILER A program which takes high-level code and converts it to machine language. CONSOLE The terminal that has the most control over the system. DIRECTORY The table of contents of a device. ECHO A character typed is sent to the terminal to be printed. EDITOR A program used to create or modify text. ESC Escape FILE A logical body of information and considered as a unit by the system. FORTRAN FORmula TRANslator. A high-level compiled language. FULL DUPLEX A mode of communication in which data is transmitted bi-directionally. HALF DUPLEX A mode of communication in which data is transmitted in one direction only. HANDLER A section of program used to control or communicate with an external device. HIGH-LEVEL A computer language that resembles "natural LANGUAGE language". INITIALIZE Erases and formats a disk for use. INITIALIZATION Starting the processor in a known state. INPUT/OUTPUT Describes lines or devices used to convey information. between the computer and the outside world. LF Line feed. LINKER A program which gathers and unites seperately written programs or routines for subsequent loading into memory and execution. LOAD The action of transferring a program from where it THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK is stored into memory. OCTAL A number system where the numbers 0 to 7 are used to decode a 3 bit number. PASSWORD A unique sequence of alphnumberic characters assigned to the user of a computer system. TT or TTY Terminal or teletype USR User service routine. (Disk operating routines) THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK NOTES THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK NOTES THE PDP-11 HOW-TO BOOK NOTES